New initiative to prepare Moldovan public sector for the EU accession negotiations


The initiative is focusing on officials from the Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, the Bureau of European Integration, various Ministries, and the Moldovan Institute of Diplomacy (MDI). It is designed to fortify Moldova’s internal EU-integration process and expand the institutional capacity of the MDI as a premier training centre for EU-related programs.

This training programme, organised by the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) and Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD), will leverage the expertise and experiences of Estonia, a country with a successful EU integration history, to provide Moldovan officials with critical insights and practical knowledge. This collaboration is expected to improve the officials’ proficiency in conducting accession negotiations and managing EU-integration activities effectively.

On July 4, 2024, the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, in cooperation with the Diplomatic School of Estonia and with the support of the ESTDEV, held a seminar dedicated to aspects of the negotiation process of accession of a candidate state to the European Union, using in this sense the experience of Estonia.

As a guest lecturer, Amb. Taavi Toom, who has a wealth of experience gained during his country’s membership in the European family, accompanied by Ms. Eva-Maria Liimets, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia (2021-2022),Programme Manager for Democracy and the Rule of Law and Mr. Ekke Nõmm, Director of the Estonian School of Diplomacy.

The audience of the seminar included young civil servants working within the Office for European Integration, as well as line ministries responsible for agreeing on the main chapters of the EU membership plan.

Meeting with Mrs. Crisitna Gherasimov, Deputy Prime Minister, Chief Negotiator with the EU

Meeting with the Secretary of State of the MFA, Mrs. Carolina Perebinos

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