The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD) was originally created in 1990 in order to train personnel for the (not yet existing) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the (not yet re-established) Republic of Estonia.
Throughout the 1990s, most ESD graduates went directly to work in the MFA; many have attained ambassadorial rank, while two have served as minister of foreign affairs.
After the end of that decade, as EU membership went from prospect to reality, ESD became the first training institute in the country to introduce European integration topics into its curriculum. Many of our alumni have played leading roles in establishing and developing EU cooperation and international relations departments in various ministries and other government bodies.
Subsequently, Estonia has justly taken pride in its experience in designing and implementing the necessary reforms to join both the EU and NATO. ESD has been a proud partner in sharing this experience–while at the same time learning from others–with other countries , building contacts and exchanging ideas with students and trainees from nearly 33 countries to date. Diplomats, civil servants, and representatives of the private & non-profit sectors have all derived great benefit from what we have to offer.
ESD is a member of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT), a select body of deans and directors of institutions around the world devoted to discussing issues of modern diplomatic practice and trends in international education.
Whether through our 8-month interdisciplinary post-graduate program on International Relations and Diplomacy, or through tailor-made training courses for diplomats from countries near and far, ESD helps our trainees to navigate the complexities of today’s world and to understand the ’big picture’.