ESD Director, Mr. Ekke Nõmm, took part in the International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT). The event, themed “The Future of Diplomacy: Trends, Tools, and Trainings for New-Age Diplomats,” took place in Bangkok, Thailand from December 12- 15, 2023.
This year’s meeting was hosted by the Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs (DVIFA) of Thailand.
The forum brought together directors of different schools of diplomacy from all the continents.
The forum’s agenda included a number of important topics, including diplomatic communication in the digital age, using technology to resolve conflicts and promoting intercultural understanding in an interconnected world.
The International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT) was established by a consortium of academic and diplomatic training institutions in 1972 as an annual meeting of deans and directors. Since its founding, its membership has grown to include the heads of academic institutes dedicated to the study of international relations and diplomacy, and to accredited institutes for the training of official diplomats from 56 countries. The Director of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna and the Director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University serve as permanent co-chairs. The Forum’s annual meetings are hosted by member institutions and academies, as agreed by the IFDT’s Steering Committee, and are devoted to the discussion of issues of modern diplomacy and trends in diplomatic education.