ESD in the International Forum on Diplomatic Tranining in Australia


International Forum on Diplomatic Training is an annual informal gathering that brings together deans and directors of diplomatic academies and institutes of IR accross the wordl. The forum held its 43rd meeting on 20-23 Sep in Canberra, Australia, hosted by Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy at the Australian National University. The agenda focused on challenges and opportunities for diplomacy in, what has been widely dubbed, the Asian Century. The forum looked at the big picture of current trends in IR, the regional picture of Asia-Pacific diplomacy, and the picture of a diplomat who has to develop skill-sets to navigate both challenges and opportunities in Asia and beyond.

In the event ESD was represented by Director Ekke Nõmm. The IFDT operates as a conference of network building, exhange of ideas and opportunities for cooperation. For more information read click here.
The event was opened by keynote speech of Prof Alan Hendrikson, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA. Prof Henrikson has been a guest lecturer at ESD in spring 2015.

Estonian School of Diplomacy
Rävala pst 12
10143 Tallinn