On March 13-17, ESD hosted a group of 23 Georgian civil servants form various ministries who came to Tallinn to gain knwoledge on EU approximation and learn the best practices of Estonia. The civil servants, who had been previously following an extensive training program in the Georgian Foundation of Strategic Studies (GFSIS), met with Estonian EU experts: Mr Keit Kasemets, Head of the EU Commission Representation in Tallinn; and Mr Taavi Rõivas, the Former Prime Minister, who gave and overview of the steps of Estonia’s EU pre-accession period and relevant reform experience as well as the benefits of EU memberships during the last 13 years. The visit also included a lecture on preparations for the Estonian EU Council Presidency, discussions on perspectives of Eastern Partnership, current security challenges and ICT. In addition the Georgian participants strenghtened their skills on international and EU negotiations; and met their respective local counterpast in ministries.
The visit was organised in cooperation with GFSIS. It makes part of a larger development project supported by the Swedish International Development Agency.